Homosexual Behavior Essay Discussion Paper

Running head: HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOUR Homosexual Behavior in Cross-Cultural Perspective Name Institution Course Title: Instructor: June 28, 2019 1 HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOUR 2 Abstract Homosexuals falls under the population that have their rights being seriously infringed on. However, several societies that have come together so as to advocate for the rights of the gay people in the society. This particular community is known to champion and celebrate individuality and sexuality. Therefore, the society helps in counterbalancing the inequality (Human Rights Watch, 2018)Homosexual Behavior Essay Discussion Paper.


‘Gay pride’ came about as a result of the fight for equality rights but has not eliminated the violence and harassment meted on this particular group completely. This has been attributed greatly to the fact that there is hatred or fear of homosexuality which is known as homophobia. Several factors have contributed to this including the moral, political and religious beliefs. The discrimination and violence in terms of scale from all over the globe (Bailey et al.,2016). Some of the countries outlaw such relations and even have legislations to punish people found to be of this orientation. The legislations advocate for punishments. On the other hand, the picture is horrible in conservative nations and societies. Although the organizations have been advocating for the recognition of this population, this has only remained a mirage to the conservative and judgmental population. Homosexual Behavior Essay Discussion Paper